Sample Lesson Plan 2: AP AMERICAN HISTORY

BEGINNINGS (1491-1607)

1.2. Factors of Exploration and the Contours of Contact

(Lecture Base)


  • Describe the characteristics of European society on the eve of contact
  • Describe the characteristics of early West African empires and identify their religious and social structures
  • Define the term “Columbian Exchange” and explain its impact on the emerging Atlantic World

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Draft Syllabus—Social Forces that Shaped America (Summer 2012)



Esteemed political scientist Benedict Anderson wrote that a nation is more than a political entity with geographic boundaries; it is an imagined community. As Anderson explains, it is “imagined because the members of even the smallest nation will never know most of their fellow-members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in the minds of each lives the image of their communion.”[1] For Anderson, a nation is a state of mind. Following Anderson’s definition, this course looks at the social forces that have shaped the imagined community that is America.

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