My Book


The other day, while I was preparing my two-year-old son old for his afternoon nap, my three-year-old daughter looked up at me and asked what I had been working on earlier in the day. That day had been one of my workdays, a day in which I have a sitter come to watch my kids for three hours while I work in my home office.

Looking at my daughter, I gave her a sly smile and asked: “Holland, did you know mama is a doctor?”

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This is Life…

If someone were to ask me: “How are you? What are you up to these days?” I would probably scream back at them, in a quite frenzied state, “Life! I have been doing life!” Right now, things are stressful…very stressful. I’ll explain the reasons for all that stress in a second. But, before everyone gets all worked up, let me clarify that I am fine. Altogether, things are fine and I am on top of everything. There is no need to worry about me venting. Life is hard. It is hard for everyone. Writing is just one way that I deal with the struggle that is life. Writing allows me to wrap my mind around my thoughts and it helps me to process my feelings.

As I have written about before, I am a stay-at-home parent, which means I am a full-time caregiver to our two, young children. They are now 3 and a little over 1.5 years old. I love them to bits, but (shit) they are a lot to deal with singlehandedly. I have no clue how the stereotype of the bored stay-at-home parent developed (possible future blog post!), because I can tell you that myth is a complete and utter lie. Damn, I wish I were bored. If my problem were boredom, things would be a lot different.

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‘Tis the Season…

To be stressed out! Seriously. I think the holiday season has to be in the top spot for being the most stressful time of year. This is not going to be one of my typical history-infused posts. If you’re looking for a well-researched, in-depth piece that provides historical perspective for a key issue, try this post, or this post, or maybe even this one.

No, this post is going to be full of ranting and venting from a crazed mother who is listening to her two toddlers screaming their heads off while she tries to write. (Don’t worry their father is watching them.) With that being said, please forgive any typos. I have a small window of time to get this thing done.

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