An Unexpected Update

This is going to be a quick and perhaps sloppy post. I need to write fast because my son has insisted lately that only I can put him to bed. (Sweet, but frustrating because it takes time away from my ability to get my evening work and chores completed.)

So, I have some health issues. I am apprehensive to write or even talk about these issues because I always fear that people are going to gaslight me, claim that I am exaggerating, tell me it’s not that bad, or doubt me in some way. But, the fact is, there is something broken in my body. My gastroenterologist knows that I have chronic problem, I know it, and the biopsy results that I received yesterday confirm it. 

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‘Tis the Season…

To be stressed out! Seriously. I think the holiday season has to be in the top spot for being the most stressful time of year. This is not going to be one of my typical history-infused posts. If you’re looking for a well-researched, in-depth piece that provides historical perspective for a key issue, try this post, or this post, or maybe even this one.

No, this post is going to be full of ranting and venting from a crazed mother who is listening to her two toddlers screaming their heads off while she tries to write. (Don’t worry their father is watching them.) With that being said, please forgive any typos. I have a small window of time to get this thing done.

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